How I got into Saiyuki..

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*Sigh* Such a boring story but oh well...

How I got into Saiyuki.....


Well it was freshman year... (I'm gonna be a sophmore 04-05) anyways.. my friend Daniel is not really into anime that much.. but likes Megaman and fortunatley Saiyuki... he wears the same Saiyuki shirt once a week at least and so I just asked him what the big deal is about it... and then he just said it was cool and stuff... (he's not a really big emotional person... well sometimes he is but.... its too personal).  So I started getting curious and stuff...when I found an article on Saiyuki in the "Newtype USA" Magazine and read on it.. I thought it was cool and cute.. cause Goku!! YAY!!!  (I like any Goku....even the one from DBZ) And so when I fell in love with it as I would say... I blamed poor Daniel for getting me into it... and then he said..."I did?!! COOL!!! I never get you into anything that I like!!!  It's a miracle!"  So now it's summer and I have about.. 16 days till school starts!!  I'm gonna make my own Saiyuki shirt from my pictures and stuff and wear it to school!  Anyways.. so thats my story.. (In case you're wondering.. yes I went out with him... sad huh?)


*sigh* He's (refer to paragraph above) being a total stupid a** prick and he thinks he's so hot... which he's not and he's so stupid I just want him to die right here and now!! 



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